Wayne Glenn
Retired Legacy Advisor
Wayne began working with financial clients in 2004 at Morgan Keegan. Beforehand, Wayne was involved in privately owned precision sheet metal and machining operations. This provided insight into small business owner concerns including the intergenerational transfer of wealth.
Wayne and Blair, his wife of 43 years, have three grown children. They share interests in gardening, home restoration, and hiking. Visiting two toddler grandchildren in New York City provides much joy and the opportunity to view current art exhibits. Wayne serves as the President of the Elk Valley Forestry Association, which encourages active forest management by local landowners in a four-county area.
Also, he has been an active Rotarian since 2008 and is a past President of the Rotary Club of Lewisburg.
Wayne earned a BS in Forestry from Sewanee and an MBA from the University of Tennessee.